every heartbeat thinks of you...
but i'm hurt inside...
my heart torn apart...
no one knows how it feels...
this wound is hard to heal...
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 21:12 3 comments
A. Attached or single?
= single and available ( chehhh...!!)
B. Best friend?
= secret :p
C. Cake or pie?
= i prefer cake. sedapnya chocolatechip walnut!
D. Day of choice?
= Jumaat, penghulu segala hari
E. Essential item?
= handbag
F. Favorite color?
= black, pink
G. Gummy bears or worms?
= gummy bears
H. Hometown?
= malacca & n9
I. Favorite indulgence?
= Chocoloates too, same as azra & azwin
J. January or July?
= July, because my name is Julie, the spelling is similar :) hahahaha
K. Kids?
= i dont have a kids yet, but i have 3 heroes which is my naughty nephews
L. Life isn’t complete without?
= banyak.
M. Marriage date?
= i dont want to think about it for now. heh :)
N. Number of magazine subscriptions?
= ntah?
O. Orange or apple?
= Apple. An apple a day, apa ntah lg.
P. Phobias?
= being alone?
Q. Quotes?
= life is great, enjoy it
R. Reasons to smile?
= when somebody makes me smile
S. Season of choice?
= musim buah durian. hahahaha.... nahhh....summer la kot.
T. Tag 5 people
= hohohooohhh...anyone, boleh?
U. Unknown fact about me?
= of course i cant tell u guys!
V. Vegetable?
= spinach
W. Worst habit?
= mulut main lepas.
X. X-ray or ultrasound?
= x-ray
Y. Your favorite food(s)?
= sambal sotong @ sotong grg tepung :)
Z. Zodiac sign
= taurus...weeeweeee....!!!
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 13:40 2 comments
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on?
- keropok lekor singgit. (aku rindu keropok lekor yg dekat dpn cm tu, masa sekolah dulu,sebelum g tuisyen kat kasturi, sure beli keropok lekor dulu b4 masuk tuisyen).
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
-listening to music sambil jerit2 mcm org gila, driving, wasting time,
3. What kind of news do you read?
- depends...sometimes entertainment akan aku baca dulu.
4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow?
-taubat banyak2, minta ampun kat semua orang,setelkan hutang piutang. (banyak dosa aku ni)
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
- mestilah ada. but that someone doesnt know that he's in my heart.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
- hell no!
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
- family of course, & my loved one.
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
- ntah...hidup sgt bosan cuti2 ni. oh ya, g holiday & lupakan semua masalah yg ada. & lupakan "dia".
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- mestilah. tp kita perlukan kekuatan utk buat semua tu, kan? & so far aku dh berjaya confess pd org yg aku suka :)
10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 18:09 0 comments
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 18:34 5 comments
today; 9th january 2009; 1013 waktu malaysia
aku tau masih ramai lagi yang merasai kemeriahan tahun baru 2009, dan aku rasa masih belum terlambat untuk kita membuat azam baru. aku ada azam untuk tahun ni, cuma tak ada masa nak update di blog di sebabkan beberapa perkara yang banyak berlaku lately.azam baru aku kali ini sangat lain, & ini adalah salah satu cara untuk rebranding JULIANA SHAHIDA BT BASERI (sama mcm yang RTM buat tu; rebranding. & aku cuma mempraktikkan apa yang aku belajar di kelas brand management).
ada banyak benda yang harus aku implement untuk rebranding diri aku sendiri. banyak sangat. & mungkin ada antara kamu tidak sangka yang aku akan buat perkara-perkara sedemikian. ya, aku cuma mahu jadi yang terbaik daripada sebelum ini. agar tiada lagi masalah antara aku dan insan lain, teknologi (ingat lagi kata-kata mdm azlin dalam class services marketing; teenagers (she means us) nowadays are born with technology), duit, jiwa & rohani, dan benda-benda lain yang pernah bermasalah sebelum ini.
aku dah senaraikan apa yang aku akan buat tahun ini insyaALLAH, untuk menjadi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya:
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 10:12 0 comments
Labels: story to share
1. What if you were the last person on earth. What would you do?
~ aku mcm azwin gak....x suka duk sorg2...arrrggghhhh bosan...boleh gila aku....tp psl last person on earth tu...aku akan nanges sampai abes airmata kot...xleh nk bygkan.
2. What would you do if you have only 24 hours to live and you can do anything in the whole world?
~ aku nak bertaubat & mintak ampun banyak2 kat semua orang
3. Name 5 people you will take with you to anywhere you go. Where? Why? (family counts as 1)
~ family; pergi mana2 je
~ mudd; mana2 pon nak dia ada, rindu nak spend time together dengan dia
~ GDO; go to the place that we love to go, ya i love being with them
~ mak; bandung, dah janji dgn mak aritu nak bwk lepas abes study.
~ rakan-rakan; pergi tpt yg nak sgt aku pergi, iaitu semua tpt yg aku nak pergi, maksudnya semua tpt aku nak pergi.hahaha.
4. 3 reasons you have a blog?
~ blog mcm on9 diary aku, sbb aku xda diary.
~ sama mcm azwin; medium of expressing my feelings
~ i wanna share my experiences, feelings, and many things to the readers.
5. 2 ways you would change the world.
~ increase the malay economy level
~ sedarkan remaja skrg yg bnyk hanyut kat bukit bintang tu, hahahaha... (aku sendiri pun hanyut)
~ 6. Name your 1st friend.
~ azwin always be the 1st dlm myspace & friendster, eventhough aku bukan 1st dlm friendster & myspace dia...hahahaha
7. What's your worst nightmare?
~ ada org kejar nak bunuh aku, banyak kali dh dpt mimpi camni...whewww~~
8. Describe you.
~ i'm loud. but for 2009, i'll change bit by bit to be more soft spoken, mudd, i do this for u.
9. Describe your style.
~ i'm a simple person, kuar dgn tshirt, jeans, & flipflop jek...kdg dgn suar tido kotak2 pon jadi.
10. Are you a bully?
~ xlah....hahahaha....
11. TAG 4 people.Who?
~ azlan dawai
~ mili
~ mr hajime
~ mmm....erin lah.
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 20:08 2 comments
i think its not too late to wish happy new year 2009 to u guys....
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 12:19 4 comments
hey...i've cut my hair on Christmas day.
however, the stylist cut my hair too short... gggrrr.....!!!
and this is the brand new me.
hahahaha....buruk, kan?
Posted by ♥ jυℓєѕ at 12:16 4 comments